Penetration Tests

Penetration testing

No matter what line of business your company is in, if it’s on the internet, it needs good security. Regular penetration testing conducted by qualified specialists discover potential vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure, as well as web and mobile applications.
Remote Admin offers a wide range of services which will identify every potential vulnerability on your network.
Our specialists have over 12 years of professional experience, have reported over 10,000 vulnerabilities and wrote over 600 full security reports containing recommendations for fixes.
All of our penetration testing is done manually, according to the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) methodology.
After receiving authorization from the client we use the full range of methods and techniques to discover vulnerabilities on servers, databases, and web or mobile applications. Because of our dedication to manual testing, we’re able to be much more thorough than our competition, which relies primarily on automated testing.

We conduct every security consultation according to the client’s needs – every company is different and uses different infrastructure. We are experience in working with small companies and startups, as well as large, multinational corporations employing hundreds of people. Our specialty is accommodating the client – no challenge is too big for us.
If the client so desires, we can perform black box testing, during which we analyze the behavior of an application without any knowledge of its internal workings, from the point of view of a potential attacker; as well as white box testing, where we approach the same problem with full knowledge and access to the inner workings of the application. We also offer gray box testing services, which is a black box test followed by a white box test.

Once the client chooses the service, application or infrastructure to be tested, they are presented with a complete plan of action which will be realized by our specialists. Afterwards the client receives an exhaustive report, which will include all of our findings, descriptions of detected vulnerabilities and recommendations for actions that need to be taken to rectify the situation. If the client wishes it, we will also install patches and realize all of our recommendations for them.